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Keeping It Write! is a collection of original writings written during the My Sister's Keeper and My Brother's Keeper after school writing, reading, and coding program, also coined Keeping It Write!  This e-book contains the poetry, short stories, chapter books, song and rap writing, play, inspirational, documentary and biographical writing of a group of phenomenal youth who documented the depths of their experiences and colorful imaginations to inspire readers young and old, and near and far for years to come. e-Book also available!

Keeping It Write! An Anthology Written by Youth for Youth (Paperback)

SKU: KIW1000

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    MY SISTER'S KEEPER is committed to meeting quality standards for mentoring that are safe and effective. We strive to follow the nationally recognized best practices, known as the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™ , 4th Edition, and established by MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, to support quality youth mentoring relationships.  To achieve these standards, MY SISTER'S KEEPER has initiated the 2-step National Quality Mentoring System (NQMS) process, a national continuous quality improvement process for mentoring programs, by completing a quality self-assessment and review facilitated by Mentor Michigan+, and developing an innovation and improvement plan to promote continuous quality improvement and alignment with evidence-based practices for mentoring. Learn more about the NQMS process here.

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